Myribase Gel
Penlan Healthcare
A protective, hydrating emollient for the treatment of dry skin conditions. It contains a higher oil content than an emollient cream, is light to the touch and non-greasy, with the ease of absorption of a gel. It encourages rehydration and softening of dry skin by restoring the oils that provide the natural occlusive barrier within the epidermis, thus reducing drying as a result of the evaporation of water diffusing from the underlying layers. It contains isopropyl myristate 15% and liquid paraffin 15% and is free of fragrances and colourings. May be used as an adjunct to other topical treatments.
Regular first-line treatment and prophylaxis of dry or chapped skin conditions that may also be pruritic or inflamed.
100g, £2.12; 500ml pump, £4.66
More on: Moisturisers